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Bekveld's Dave x Skellorn Benedict
Cascob Silverghost x Springbourne Caraway
Bekveld’s Dave x Linde Hoeve’s Sebastiaan
Glebedale Miri Mawr (Gbr) x Synod Robinson
Springbourne Glide x Springbourne Caerwyn
Trefaes Exterminator x Dimbeth Sion
Brierdene Napoleon x Brierdene Welsh Wizzard
Fronarth Lucky Strike x Neuaddparc The Squire

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Steerwolde's V.I.P. x Bodo
FS Numero Uno x Wengelo's Ricardo
Trevallion Golden Boy x Soden Gwynfor
Springlane Symphony x Vechtzicht's Hywel
Heniarth Question x Vollenhof's Hynod
Colne Tibo x Idyllic Senator
Dargale Velvet x Spoorzicht's Hilfiger
Islyn Ffrwydryn x Ceulan Calon Lan

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